Thursday 31 March 2011

Massaro's Cambridge Gelato Update

We have had several requests recently about whether we are going to stock again the amazing gelato that we used to have until last year.

The truth is that we are not sure. Delisting the gelato was one of the most difficult decisions we have taken at Massaro’s and there have been a few!! The product as you all know is amazing and was one our best finds amongst many some of which have also had to go for similar reasons.

The gelato was amazing for many reasons not least that it was a very fresh product which believe us is rarely the case – but as such it means it needs quick turnover to be enjoyed at its best and unfortunately that was not the case which meant we had to waste significant amounts. As with most of our products in order to be as price competitive as possible we operate at lower than normal margins and the wastage of course erodes this further and in the end it was just not viable for us to carry on. Since we last stocked it there have been further price increases which makes the decision whether to sell it again even more difficult.

All that said we know many customers and especially very loyal ones miss it dearly and we miss having it as part of our repertoire not least because it is the only genuine gelato around despite what others may tell you. By this we mean that it is truly milk based as opposed to cream or milk with some cream in which case it is ice cream and not gelato. It is also made with the highest quality natural ingredients such as pistachios from Bronte in Sicily, hazelnuts from Piedmont and so on.

We will keep you updated as to whether we decide to have another go at offering the gelato but hope you understand that with so many real food products we have available and all at such competitive prices and real value for the quality that from a purely business point we have to balance the things that we would love to have with the harsh realities of there being a business case for having them – boring we know but unfortunately true.